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In 2021, American parents are choosing unique and stylish names for their baby girls. From classic and timeless names to modern and trendy ones, the options are endless. Some of the popular names for girls this year are inspired by nature, such as Juniper, Autumn, Willow, and River. These names evoke a sense of calm and peace, and resonate with parents who value natural beauty and sustainability. On the other hand, some parents are opting for bold and edgy names, like Raven, Phoenix, Harley, and Rebel. These names convey a sense of strength and confidence, and appeal to parents who want their daughters to stand out and make a statement. Many parents are also choosing gender-neutral names for their baby girls this year, such as Parker, Elliot, Finley, and Avery. These names break away from traditional gender roles and embrace inclusivity and diversity. Overall, the trend for 2021 seems to be a balance between classic and modern, feminine and strong, and individual and inclusive. Whatever name parents choose for their baby girl, it is a reflection of their values, personality, and hopes for their child. So, whether it's Lily or Luna, Aria or Aurora, or any other name that speaks to your heart, may your little girl shine bright and proud in this world.



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